4.1.5 Sporting Licence
In Second Category events a competitor must hold a current FAI Sporting Licence.

Колко са желаещите български делта пилоти Шампионата да бъде регистриран съгласно FAI Sporting Code - Section 7A - Class 0 Hang Gliding ?

Моля за мнения на делта пилоти имащи бревет с категория минимум 4 по SAFE PRO и заверен лиценз по FAI !
Това са изискванията:
SAFE PRO Stage 4, EXPERIENCE Requirements:
1. Same as for stage 3, easy soaring, plus:
2. A total of minimum 20 flying hours.
3. A total of minimum 2 hours of thermal soaring.
4. A total of minimum 2 hours of ridge soaring.
SAFE PRO Stage 4, AIRMANSHIP Requirements:
The pilot should be considered to be able to take care of his/her own and others safety while flying at this stage, also during displays, demonstrations and competitions and elsewhere this stage in required.