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Новини: Последният модел делтапланер Falcon 3 Tandem на американската фирма WillsWing продължава да споделя полети с пасажери.

Автор Тема: Invitation for non-Bulgarian speakers to join...  (Прочетена 19669 пъти)

0 Потребители и 1 Гост преглежда(т) тази тема.

Неактивен Robert

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Invitation for non-Bulgarian speakers to join...
« -: Февруари 20, 2010, 20:19:28 pm »
Hello :)

As one of the foreign, members of our DeltaClub, I'd like to also invite non-Bulgarian speakers to join our forum and to participate, making our club a fun place to communicate about our common passion: flying!

This English/foreign language part of our forum is setup for just that purpose: to allow English speaking members to join and participate..
Our members also have other language-skills, so feel free to use German, Dutch, Russian or even French.

If there are any questions about flying in general or delta-flying in specific, feel free to ask them here.

These topics may include but are not limited to:
  • learning to fly;
  • becoming a crack pilot;
  • cross-country flying;
  • the equipment;
  • the locations;
  • the weather;
  • aerodynamics;
  • rules in the air.

If I cannot answer them directly, I'll try to redirect the question to our more experienced members.

(I myself am a foreigner, Dutch, who lives in Sofia - most of the time ;) - and speaks Bulgarian. I used to fly with a delta before, but due to long absence, need (and want!) to get into it again, and become really active.
Furthermore i have experience with Motor-delta-flying, also called Trike, and a pilot license for flying with a 'normal' 3-Ax airplane, being it Ultralight/Microlight.)

Hope to hear from you soon :)
« Последна редакция: Февруари 20, 2010, 20:22:14 pm от Robert »
Respect Gravity! ;)

Неактивен Pirke

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Re:Invitation for non-Bulgarian speakers to join...
« Отговор #1 -: Април 27, 2010, 10:06:26 am »
Pozdrav iz Srbije,

Oduvek sam voleo  letenje  na bezmotornim letelicama a pogotovo zmaju ;) Takvo letenje ima dusu i najblizi si prirodi  i sto je najbitnije SLOBODU :) E zbog toga sam resio da naucim da letim zmaja :)
Jedina prepreka za ostvarenje moje zelje je sto u Srbiji letenje bezmotornim zmajem umire i mozes izbrojati na prstima ljude koji lete zmaja :( I nema nikoga ko bi te naucio da letis :( A teren za letenje oko Pirota i Nisa je super ali nema ko da ga iskoristi :( Ali preko nekih kontakata dosao sam do informacije da u Sofiji ima i instruktora i ljudi koji jos lete zmajeve:) Meni je Sofija na 90km od rodnog grada  i to mi bas odgovara :) Nadam se da cu uskoro nauciti letenje zmajem :) Hteo bih samo neke informacije oko dolaska od Pirota do Sofije i smestaja. Da li je bolji autobus ili voz i da li moze da se nadje neki veoma jeftini smestaj i koliko ja potrebno odvojiti dvevno za hranu samo da se pregura dan :) Imam odlicno teoretsko znanje o letenju ali praksa je praksa :) spreman sam da vezbam SVAKI dan da bih sto pre zavsio osnovnu obuku zato sto sam skripcu sa vremenom  i nadam se da cu je brzo savladati uz dobrog instruktora:)

Hvala svima i zelim vam CLEAR SKY :)

Неактивен Stani

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Re:Invitation for non-Bulgarian speakers to join...
« Отговор #2 -: Април 28, 2010, 01:23:25 am »
  Good luck! На добър час! Успех с Митака си на прав път!
Повече въздух в гърдите и крилата!

Неактивен million_miracles

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Re:Invitation for non-Bulgarian speakers to join...
« Отговор #3 -: Април 29, 2010, 22:40:13 pm »
Hello @Pirke! Welcome to Deltaclub forum;) Come to Bulgaria and don't worry about anything. You can use our accomodation room for hang gliding pilots.
« Последна редакция: Април 29, 2010, 23:09:51 pm от admin »
Всеки полет е важен!

Неактивен Flying Dutchman

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Re: Invitation for non-Bulgarian speakers to join...
« Отговор #4 -: Юли 24, 2018, 21:03:35 pm »
Hi all,

I am from The Netherlands, living in Sofia now. I just returned from flying in Greifenburg (Austria), where I picked up my Hang Glider and the rest of my gear. I have flown around 44 mountain flights in total, and need to finish my theory exam for being fully licenced.

It would be great to meet fellow pilots here in Bulgaria, and to fly in my new "home" country :)

I noticed this forum is not being used much, so I guess becoming a member of the Deltaclub will be the best thing for me to do.

I have a new harness which I prefer to try out on a small practice hill. Any recommendations where to do this is welcome. Since I prefer to fly with other pilots, it would be great to join you guys anytime!

