Други > Бля бля бля
Малко смях с вицове
Ох, този виц за Каптажа, направо ме разби! Ми, че то не е виц, а самата истина. Ама това "такър, такър" и "тъка, тъка"... Пиша и се хиля ;D
П.С. Точно гледах филмчетата от Каптажа и звука ми беше още в главата... Такър, такър, такър..... Фъррррррррр... тъка, тъка.... ;D
Baby Bear was in family court. His parent were divorcing.
After hearing the arguments, the Judge decided to ask: "Baby Bear do you want to go live with your Father?"
Baby Bear responded: "No sir your honor, my father beats me."
The Judge replied: "Oh, OK. So then you must want to go live with your mother then, yes?"
Baby Bear began to tear up, but managed to spit out the words "No sir your honor, my mother beats me too"
The judge, feeling the strings of his heart being tugged upon, says: "Well Baby Bear - if you don't want to live with your mother, and you don't want to live with your father...then who DO you want to live with?"
The Baby Bear wipes his tears and gathers himself. He clears his throat and responds: "Your honor, I want to go live with the Chicago Bears, they don't beat anybody!"
;D ;D ;D Трябва да познаят песента без да я чуват ;D ;D ;D
Ооооо, това си го заплюх! Много е яко! Има идея, човека си го бива.... Абе, откритие ;D И песента ми е любима...
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