
As one of the foreign, members of our DeltaClub, I'd like to also
invite non-Bulgarian speakers to join our forum and to participate, making our club a fun place to communicate about our common passion: flying!
This English/foreign language part of our forum is setup for just that purpose: to allow English speaking members to join and participate..
Our members also have other language-skills, so feel free to use
German, Dutch, Russian or even
If there are any questions about flying in general or delta-flying in specific, feel free to ask them here.
These topics may include but are not limited to:
- learning to fly;
- becoming a crack pilot;
- cross-country flying;
- the equipment;
- the locations;
- the weather;
- aerodynamics;
- rules in the air.
If I cannot answer them directly, I'll try to redirect the question to our more experienced members.
(I myself am a foreigner, Dutch, who lives in Sofia - most of the time

- and speaks Bulgarian. I used to fly with a delta before, but due to long absence, need (and want!) to get into it again, and become really active.
Furthermore i have experience with Motor-delta-flying, also called Trike, and a pilot license for flying with a 'normal' 3-Ax airplane, being it Ultralight/Microlight.)
Hope to hear from you soon
